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单位:华北理工大学      作者:李旭阳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:素描作为一切造型艺术的基础,是获取直观视觉感受和艺术认知的重要途径,同时作为一门独立的艺术表现形式,其自身具有独特的艺术价值。纵观美术史上的各个风格流派和不同表现形式的绘画作品,都没有超出绘画本身的框架。绘画的本质始终是传递艺术家对于客观事物真实感受的最直观途径。大量优秀的素描作品显示,素描的绘画风格与表现力在很大程度上比彩色绘画创作更加直观地阐释了对客观世界的演绎和内心真实感受的表达。


中图分类号:J218 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Sketch as the foundation of all plastic arts, is to obtain the important way of intuitive visual experience and artistic cognition, at the same time as an independent art form, its own unique artistic value throughout the art genre of various styles and different forms of paintings, are not beyond the framework of painting the essence of painting itself is always passing artists for objective things true feelings of the most intuitive way, according to the drawing of a large number of excellent works of the sketch style of painting and expressive than color painting creation in the very great degree more visual interpretation of the objective world to deduce the expression of true feelings in my heart.

Key Words:sketch; documentary mural; modeling performance; space construction; shape shaping