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单位:洛阳理工学院...     作者:王慧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:课程是提升学生专业能力的主要途径与核心要素。基于应用型金课建设的要求和标准,《形式基础》课程积极响应“成果为导向”的教学理念,结合形式语言在设计领域的应用,从教学内容、教学方法、评价体系等方面以“金课”标准为导向,做出了深入的探索与改革,使学生在一开始就明确的认识到要学什么?为什么学?如何学?以期按照金课标准圆满完成教学任务,达到高质量培养人才的目的。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:curriculum is the main way and core element to improve students' professional ability. Based on the practical requirements and standards of the construction of the gold class, the course of positive response "results oriented" teaching ideas, combined with formal language application in the field of design, from the aspects such as teaching contents, teaching methods and evaluation system guided by the "gold standard", made in-depth exploration and reform, causes the student to clear at the outset to recognize what to learn? Why? How to learn? With a view to complete the teaching tasks according to the gold standard, to achieve the purpose of high quality training talents.

Key Words:applied; gold course; form foundation; practice exploration