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工业设计专业 《机械设计基础》课程教学改革探讨

单位:华南农业大学...     作者:卿艳梅,王慰祖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:本文通过对工业设计专业《机械设计基础》教学中存在的问题进行分析,根据其学科特点并结合多年教学实践,提出在教学上采用教学案例创新、 机构原理与产品设计相结合、教学方式改革和加强实践环节几方面进行改革探讨,着力培养学生产品设计能力和创新能力,使本课程在提高工业设计专业学生的综合素质方面发挥重要的作用。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the teaching of <mechanical design basis> of industrial design specialty, and according to the characteristics of the subject and the teaching practice for many years, this paper puts forward the reform and discussion in the aspects of teaching case innovation, the combination of mechanism principle and product design, the reform of teaching method and the strengthening of practical links, so as to focus on the cultivation of students' product design ability and innovation ability. It make this course play an important role in improving the comprehensive quality of industrial design students.

Key Words:Industrial design; mechanical design basis; teaching reform