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单位:上海师范大学...     作者:徐耘春     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:本文聚焦“立德树人”教育背景下的高等美术院校中的通识教育问题,通过辨析通识教育的概念、梳理美术院校中通识教育的发展阶段,论证通识教育对于高等美术院校人才培养的重要性,并结合现有培养方案中存在的问题,从培养目标、课程设置和方法选择三方面对高等美术院校的通识教育开展及其课程实施进行思考,探索适合高素质美术复合型人才培养的可行性方案。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper focuses on the general education problem in higher art colleges. Through the analysis of the concept of general education and the development stage of general education in art colleges, general education for higher education The importance of talent training in art colleges, combined with the problems existing in the existing training programs, considers the development of general education and the implementation of curriculum in higher art colleges from the three aspects of training objectives, curriculum and method selection, and explores suitable Feasible plan for high-quality art creation and art education talent training.

Key Words:Moral cultivation and educating people; Higher Art Colleges; General education; course; Talent Training