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单位:福建农林大学     作者:王倩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-25

摘 要:通过对闽南文化传播力的运行现状调研中发现,现有的传播路径主要受到媒体碎片化、多元性文化的冲击;在融媒体大环境之下,地域性文化在其广泛性传播上呈现出无继之势。如何适应现有媒体的大环境,从构建差异化传播体系、内容构建的趣味性、产业链接入传播链、打造融媒体实现跨屏交互这四个方面推进闽南文化的传播。通过文化内容及媒介创新来达到文化自信,进行媒介的创新研究,来达到带动时代活力的新需求。


中图分类号:G206 文献标识码:A


Abstract:According to the investigation of the operation status of cultural communication power in southern Fujian, it is found that the existing communication paths are mainly affected by the fragmentation of media and multiculturalism. Under the environment of media integration, regional culture shows no significance in its widespread communication. Following the trend. How to adapt to the current environment of the media, and promote the spread of southern Fujian culture from the four aspects of constructing a differentiated communication system, the interest of content construction, industrial links into the communication chain, and the integration of media to achieve cross-screen interaction. To achieve cultural self-confidence through cultural content and media innovation, and to carry out innovative research on media to meet the new needs that drive the vitality of the times.

Key Words: Southern fujian culture; Communication form; Innovation strategy