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单位:福建农林大学...     作者:杨艳丽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-25

摘 要:中国特色的“老人带孩子”现象使得老人及儿童成为城市人口中不可忽视的组成部分。目前大部分社区多注重健身器材、游乐设施、绿地、景观等户外共享空间的设计,许多学者也对户外共享空间提出了针对性设计策略,而针对室内共享空间的研究则少之又少。老人与儿童这个组合群体对室内共享空间同样有其特殊的要求和需求,本文从老人与儿童这个组合群体的行为与心理需求出发,提出针对这个组合群体的室内共享空间家具设计策略,旨在对老人与儿童的室内共享空间设计起到借鉴与参考的作用。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract: The phenomenon of "the elderly with children" with Chinese characteristics makes the elderly and children become an indispensable part of the urban population. At present, most communities pay more attention to the design of outdoor shared space, such as fitness equipment, amusement facilities, green space, landscape and so on. Many scholars also put forward targeted design strategies for outdoor shared space, while the research on indoor shared space is rare. The combination group of the elderly and children also have their own special requirements and needs for the indoor space. This paper, based on the behavior and psychological needs of the combination group of the elderly and children, puts forward the interior space furniture design strategies and principles for the combination group, in order to play a reference role in the design of the interior space for the elderly and children.

Key Words: Elderly; Children; Interior Shared Space; Furniture Design