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单位:1.山西大学商...     作者:闫鹏1 裴莹2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-25

摘 要:太谷孟家花园的初期建成在我国清代中叶,是山西晋中地区极具代表性的北方花园式民居,经历了数百年的变迁,从所留下的造园方法与遗迹可以看出北方私家园林建筑特点与造园艺术手法的独特之处。在高楼大厦钢筋混凝土搭建的现今,孟家花园是古代北方园林、花园式民居的象征,所以更显珍贵。孟家花园的造园手法,充分向人们展示出山西晋中地区北方古城的辉煌过往。本文通过对山西太谷孟家花园的造园意境与造园手法进行分析,希望能让更多的人们了解中国古典园林的造园艺术。

关键词:山西太古孟家花园; 造园意境;造园手法

中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Taigu Mengjia Garden was built in the middle of Qing Dynasty in China. It is a typical northern garden dwelling in Jinzhong area of Shanxi Province. It has undergone hundreds of years of changes. From the gardening methods and relics left behind, we can see the unique characteristics of northern private gardening architecture and gardening artistic techniques. Nowadays, the Mengjia Garden is the symbol of the ancient northern garden and garden-style dwelling houses, so it is more precious. The gardening techniques of Mengjia Garden fully show us the glorious past of the northern ancient city in Jinzhong area of Shanxi Province. Through the analysis of the artistic conception and technique of the Mengjia garden in Taigu, Shanxi Province, this paper can make more people understand the art of the Chinese classical garden.

Key Words:Mengjia Garden in Taigu, Shanxi Province; Gardening conception; Gardening techniques