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单位:福建农林大学...     作者:吴梦真     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-25

摘 要:城市家具是城市的社会活动、历史文化等信息的主要物质载体,其阐释了城市本土文化与品质,彰显了城市的独特魅力。本文对当前国内城市家具现状分析,提出基于人文主义理念下的城市家具设计能更好地推动现代化城市建设发展,由粗放转向精细化。从功能、材料、造型、情感方面进行论述,人文主义理念与设计相融合,不仅能增强家具设计的艺术性与创新性,还能够提升城市面貌、增强城市的文化自信。以人为本的城市家具还有助于提高市民的城市归属感、户外体验感、文化认同感。一个具有人文主义理念的城市家具是衡量一个城市价值的重要标准,是城市精神文化内涵建设的主要内容。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Urban furniture is the main material carrier of the city's social activities, history and culture, and explains the local culture and quality of the city, highlighting the unique charm of the city. This paper analyzes the current situation of domestic urban furniture, and proposes that urban furniture design based on humanism can better promote the development of modern urban construction from extensive to refined. From the aspects of function, material, shape and emotion, the combination of humanism and design can not only enhance the artistry and innovation of furniture design, but also enhance the city's appearance and enhance the city's cultural self-confidence. People-oriented urban furniture also helps to improve the city's sense of belonging, outdoor experience, and cultural identity. A city furniture with humanistic ideas is an important criterion for measuring the value of a city, and it is the main content of the construction of urban spiritual culture.

Key Words:Humanism; Urban Furniture; Design; People-oriented