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单位:中国美术学院...     作者:聂瑛     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-25

摘 要:近些年,非物质文化遗产(以下简称非遗)的保护与传承之重要性得到了全社会普遍的关注。2013年《非物质文化遗产法》的颁布给予了各种方法措施以法律层面的保障与支持。中国各民族、各地域、各阶层开始雨后春笋般兴建保护、展示、传播非遗的场所。非遗展示馆是一处将非物质文化遗产集中进行长久保存、展示、研究、交流、传习的公共性空间场所。本文通过对非物质文化遗产展示馆进行主题策划与媒介设计,分别从非物质文化遗产的信息与主题入手,从展示媒介的静态性媒介、动态性媒介和活态性媒介分别阐述展示馆的设计,以此实现展示馆“典藏——研究——展示——教育——演示的功能。


中图分类号:G265 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, the importance of intangible cultural heritage protection and inheritance has been the general concern of the whole society. The promulgation of the intangible cultural heritage law in 2013 has provided various methods and measures with legal protection and support. All ethnic groups, regions and strata in China have begun to build sites to protect, display and disseminate intangible cultural heritage. Intangible cultural heritage exhibition hall (short for Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall) is a public space where intangible cultural heritage can be preserved, displayed, studied, exchanged and passed on for a long time. In this paper, the theme of intangible cultural heritage exhibition hall is planned and the exhibition media is designed, starting with the information and theme of intangible cultural heritage; the static media, dynamic media and dynamic media of the exhibition media are respectively elaborated on the design of exhibition management, so as to realize the "collection research Exhibition education and demonstration" function of the exhibition hall.

Key Words:Intangible cultural heritage; exhibition hall; theme planning; media design