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单位:太原理工大学...     作者:卫小鹃     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-25

摘 要:当前各行业都在依托互联网来实现升级和转型,故而催生出“互联网+”时代。“互联网+”时代是互联网高度普及、信息传递更加高效的时代,这必然会影响到人们审美观念和文化意识的形成与变化,差异化、标签化成为“互联网+”时代的审美标准,审美标准的迭代影响到人们对服装品牌的视觉形象审美。另外,“互联网+”时代在影响消费者对服装视觉审美的同时,还在推动服装品牌视觉形象设计方式的变革,使得服装品牌视觉形象设计衍生出新的趋势[1]。文章结合审美标准在“互联网+”时代的变化对服装品牌视觉形象设计的新趋势进行具体分析。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, various industries are relying on the Internet to achieve upgrades and transformations, which has led to the era of "Internet +". The era of "Internet +" is an era in which the Internet is highly popular and information transmission is more efficient. This will inevitably affect the formation and change of people's aesthetic concepts and cultural awareness. Differentiation and labeling become the aesthetic standards of the "Internet +" era. The iteration of aesthetic standards affects the visual aesthetic of people's clothing brands. In addition, while the "Internet +" era affects consumers' visual aesthetics of clothing, it is also promoting the transformation of the visual image design of clothing brands, which has led to a new trend in the visual image design of clothing brands[1]. The article combines the aesthetic standards in the "Internet +" era to make a specific analysis of the new trend of clothing brand visual image design.

Key Words:"Internet +" era; Clothing brand; Visual image; Design trends