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单位:中国矿业大学      作者:耿飒 钟厦 郭芳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-25

摘 要:设计本质是以人为本,设计师需要从人的需求出发去研究与设计。绿植检测仪的设计研究是对用户需求研究的应用。文章将理论知识和现实需求相结合,从用户的视角分析产品本身,将用户潜在需求的理念不断地融入到产品的设计中。从人对产品的最急切需求出发,以满足绿植检测仪的监测、检测、诊断和提供可视化治疗方案的设计目标。使绿植检测仪产品在设计中得到良好的优化,为未来绿植检测仪产品的发展起到启示作用。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract: the essence of design is people-oriented, designers need to study and design from the needs of people. The design and research of green plant detector is the application of user demand research. This paper combines theoretical knowledge with practical needs. Analyze the product itself from the perspective of users, and constantly integrate the concept of potential needs of users into product design. Starting from the most urgent needs of people for products, in order to meet the monitoring, detection, diagnosis and treatment program design goals of the green plant detector. So that the green plant detector products in the design of a good optimization, for the future development and trend of green plant detector products play an enlightening role.

Key Words:green plant detector; user requirements; green plant treatment