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单位:南京理工大学     作者:夏彦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-24

摘 要:在挑选儿童食品时,儿童参与选择的主动性越来越高,所以关注儿童心理特征儿童食品包装设计中的重要组成部分。本文旨在探究儿童对于形状,色彩,文字等包装设计的基本元素的偏好。调研通过半结构式的电子问卷调查形式,依托网络平台收集调研数据。根据分析收集到的数据,得出来儿童更偏向于选择三原色红绿蓝,抽象卡通的形状,对于简单的文字辨识度较高以及更喜欢带有附加玩具的食品包装等结论。这些儿童心理调研的基础结论可以为儿童食品包装的设计提供参考依据,并为更深层次研究提供最基础的框架和方向。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the selection of children's food, children's initiative to participate in the selection has become increasingly high, so attention to children's psychological characteristics is an important part of children's food packaging design. This article aims to explore children's preferences for basic elements of packaging design such as shape, color, and text. The survey was conducted through a semi-structured electronic questionnaire survey and the survey data was collected on the internet platform. According to the data collected from the analysis, it is concluded that children are more inclined to choose the three primary colors of red, green and blue, abstract cartoon shapes, higher recognition of simple text, and more like food packaging with additional toys. The basic conclusions of these children's psychological investigations can provide reference for the design of children's food packaging, and provide the most basic framework and direction for deeper research.

Key Words:Children; Psychological characteristics; Food packaging; Visual elements