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单位:广西大学行健...     作者:杨帆 徐琪武 何宜轩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-24

摘 要:位于南宁市中心的“三街两巷”始建于宋代,是广西历史文化街区之一,拥有南宁市区唯一保留下来的清代至民国时期的民居群。历经多年时间的保护改造,“三街两巷”在2018年3月重新出现在大众眼前。借此,文章阐述了 “三街两巷”文创产品的设计策略及营销策略,对当地文化主题系列产品开发文化创意延续,具有一定意义。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The "three streets and two lanes", located in the center of Nanning, was built in the Song Dynasty and is one of the historical and cultural districts in Guangxi. After years of protection and transformation, "Three Streets and Two Lanes" reappeared in front of the public in March 2018. Based on this, the article expounds the design strategy and marketing strategy of "three streets and two lanes" cultural and creative products, which has certain significance for the development of local cultural theme series product development and cultural creativity.

Key Words:Nanning three streets and two alleys; cultural and creative products; commodity value