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单位:华东理工大学     作者:王启 许懋琦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-23

摘 要:近年来,传统文化的回归以及大众对文化的强烈认同感推动着文化创意产品的崛起。地域文化是城市文化的浓缩,在文创设计中引入地域文化,不仅丰富了文创产品设计的内容,同时也对地域文化传播和城市经济发展有着巨大地推动作用。文章通过对地域文化传播形式以及地域文创设计进行研究,为地域文化的传播找到新的突破口,形成具有针对性的文创产品设计方法,找到地域文化传播的有利载体,解决当前存在的文创产品设计现状。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, the return of traditional culture and the strong public recognition of culture have promoted the rise of cultural and creative products. Regional culture is the enrichment of urban culture. Introducing regional culture in Wenchuang design not only enriches the content of Wenchuang product design, but also has a great impetus to regional cultural communication and urban economic development. The article studies the regional cultural communication form and the regional cultural creation design, finds a new breakthrough for the spread of regional culture, forms a targeted cultural and creative product design method, finds the favorable carrier of regional cultural communication, and solves the existing existing cultural innovation. Product design status.

Key Words:Regional culture; Cultural communication; Cultural creation design