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单位:哈尔滨工业大...     作者:刘春来     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-12-23

摘 要:实验室是高校教学与科研的基础,需要为实验者提供严谨高效的实验环境。设计创作类实验室在提供上述实验环境基础上还要有助于激发实验者的创意灵感以及思维的发散,以辅助实验者更好的完成设计创作。本文首先对高校设计创作类实验室在使用与维护期间存在的问题进行归纳总结;其次,结合5s管理模式分析高校设计创作类实验室管理的影响因素;最后,从周转率、环境品质、成果量化角度提出高校设计创作类实验室的管理模式,为高效实验室管理提供新思路。


中图分类号:G647 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Laboratory is the foundation of teaching and scientific research in universities, which needs to provide rigorous and efficient experimental environment for experimenters. On the basis of the above experimental environment, the design and creation laboratory is also helpful to stimulate the creative inspiration and divergent thinking of the experimenter, so as to assist the experimenter to better complete the design and creation. First design creative class laboratory in colleges and universities during the use and maintenance, paper summarizes the problems existing in the next 5 s management mode analysis the influence factors of design in colleges and universities laboratory management in writing, finally from the perspective of turnover, environmental quality, the results of quantitative put forward design creative class laboratory management mode in university, provide new way for effective laboratory management.

Key Words:Laboratory management; 5s management; design and creation experiment