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单位:青岛大学机电...     作者:陈冬君     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:随着社会经济的快速发展,人民开始对生活品质有了更高的需求,例如居家产品的易用程度,外出就餐的过程是否愉悦,出行交通是否舒适等。其实用户体验的概念无处不在,只是以前可能不使用“体验”这个词来描述。随着互联网快速占据人们的生活,用户体验开始在互联网领域被频繁提出,最初主要用来描述人与网页、app、终端操作界面交互过程中的主观感受,后续开始在各行各业持续发酵,如今是人人都在讲体验的时代。文章通过对用户体验概念及用户体验设计的剖析,从用户体验设计师角色的转变以及设计思维的转变等角度阐述用户体验设计在中国发展的现状与趋势。


中图分类号:J02 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of the social economy, people begun to pursue higher quality of life, such as the ease of use of home products, the pleasure of going out to eat, the comfort of travel, and the living environment of the city. In fact, the concept of user experience is everywhere, but it may not be described in the past by the word "experience". As the Internet quickly occupies people's lives, the user experience has been frequently raised in the Internet field. Initially, the main website was used to describe the subjective feelings of people interacting with web pages, apps, and terminal operation interfaces, and the follow-up began to continue to ferment in various industries. Nowadays, everyone is talking about the era of experience. The paper aims to explain the current situation and trend of user experience design development in China from the transformation of designer role and design thinking.

Key Words:User experience design; experience design; designer role; design thinking