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单位:广东石油化工...     作者:邱蔚琳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:客家民系是世界上分布范围最广阔、影响最深远的汉族民系之一,它从在南宋开始逐渐形成一个具有自己独特方言、风俗习惯及文化形态的汉民族民系,孕育出独特的客家文化。客家民居是客家文化精神重要的表现形式之一,本文通过梅县客家民居的几大代表建筑,对其独特的设计特点进行初步探析研究。


中图分类号:TU241 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Hakka is one of the most widely distributed and influential Han ethnic groups in the world. As the history of ancient Chinese migrated to the south for a class of Han immigrants, Hakka people in the Southern Song Dynasty has gradually formed a unique dialect, customs and culture of the Han people, which is a form of Hakka Hakka architectural culture is the most important. In this paper, the author tries to make a preliminary study on the unique design features of Meixian Hakka residential buildings. 

Key Words: Hakka residence; Design features; Hakka culture