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单位:河南农业大学     作者:李江晓     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:基于情感交互的家具产品设计通过加强老龄人群与产品、与他人之间的情感互动,可满足其更高层次的需求。而在现代社会中, “适老家具”产品中情感交互的设计发展远远滞后于市场需求。在关注老龄人群家具市场的现状和前景的基础上,应有针对性地进行对老龄人群生理、心理、行为特征等地探索与研究,充分挖掘老龄人群家具设计的特点,结合人体功效、材料科学、人工智能等形成系统的情感交互体系,以满足这一特殊市场的需求。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The furniture design based on interactive affection can meet the higher demand by strengthening the interactive affection between the elderly people and products, and that between them and the other people. In modern society, however, the development of the systematic design of elders-friendly furniture based on interactive affection has been much more backward than the market demand. Based on paying attention to the present situation and prospects of furniture market for elderly people, explorations and studies should be pointedly made on the physiology, psychology and action features of the elderly people, and the characteristics of furniture design for the elderly people should be fully tapped. And, to meet the demand of this particular market, a full system of interactive affection should be formed by combining human functions, material science and artificial intelligence.

Key Words:Elders-friendly furniture; Interactive affection; Design