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单位:吉林师范大学...     作者:高星博     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:城市景观是城市的动脉,是城市的重要组成。市民是城市景观的使用者,是城市性格和景观特征的营造者和体验者。本文以城市景观为研究对象,通过对城市景观的建设和空间的营造,力求在人和场所之间创造丰富空间体验和场景记忆。突出城市的性格特征,提升城市的形象认同和精神归属。在钢筋水泥的森林城市之中,构筑人性化的、具有丰富空间体验和场所精神的城市景观空间。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Urban landscape is the artery of the city and an important part of the city. Citizens are users of urban landscape, builders and Experiencers of urban character and landscape characteristics. In this paper, the urban landscape as the research object, through the construction of urban landscape and space, strive to create rich experience and scene memory between people and places. Highlight the city's personality characteristics, enhance the city's image identity and spiritual belonging. In the forest city of reinforced concrete, construct humanized urban landscape with rich space experience and spirit of place.

Key Words:urban landscape; space experience; Genius Loci; space construction