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单位:中原工学院艺...     作者:袁璐 李宁     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:随着碎片化阅读时代的到来,腰封在图书行业发展迅速,如何提高文学类图书腰封的视觉表现,使读者能够快速获取有价值的信息,是本文研究的目的。在腰封的视觉表现中,通过优化文字的信息层级、统一色彩的整体性,利用插画或图形辅助文字表达的策略进行分析,并结合具体的案例加以说明,从而促进书籍信息的有效传达,提高图书零售市场的经济效益。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:with the advent of fragmented reading times, the waist seal in the book industry has developed rapidly, how to improve the literary books waist seal visual performance, so that readers can quickly obtain valuable information, is the purpose of this paper. In the visual performance of the waist cover, through optimizing the information level of the text, the unity of color, the use of illustrations or graphics assisted text expression strategy for analysis, and combined with specific cases to illustrate, so as to promote the effective communication of book information, improve the economic benefits of the book retail market.

Key Words:Literature books; girdle design; visual performance; strategy