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单位:闽南理工学院      作者:袁晓宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:我国竹编工艺历史悠久,从我国传统审美以及文学影响来看,“宁可食无肉,不可居无竹”,竹编工艺在一定程度上体现了民族文化与文人思想。在我国古代,“竹”被誉为“四君子之一”,与菊、梅、兰并列,并对我国文学史及后续文人思想产生了极大的影响。为此,本文以“竹编工艺在现代家居设计中的应用探究”为题,分析竹编工艺的艺术特征,提出竹编工艺在现代家居生活中的有效应用措施,希望能为保护并传承我国珍贵的传统竹编工艺技术起到一定的积极作用。


中图分类号:tu241 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese bamboo weaving technology has a long history. From the perspective of traditional aesthetic and literary influences, "we would rather eat no meat, not live without bamboo", and bamboo weaving technology reflects the national culture and literati thought to a certain extent. In ancient China, "bamboo" was hailed as "one of the four gentlemen", juxtaposed with chrysanthemum, Mei and LAN, and had a great influence on the history of Chinese literature and subsequent literary thoughts. To this end, the article takes the "application of bamboo weaving technology in modern home design" as the theme, analyzes art features, puts forward effective measures for the application of bamboo weaving technology in modern home life. It is hoped that it can play a positive role in protecting and inheriting our precious traditional bamboo weaving technology.

Key Words:bamboo knitting process; Modern home design; Application