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单位:深圳技术大学      作者:潘杨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:我国传统金工技艺有着悠久的历史传统,它精湛而华美,是中华民族优秀文化的典型代表。如今,随着时代的变迁,很多传统的工艺已经淡出了我们的视野,这是历史发展的选择。在当代社会,传统金工技艺也面临着诸如传承困难,亟待抢救性保护的现状。作为一名高校教师,如何举一反三地对传统金工技艺的传承与创新进行自我思考,是我们在纷繁的当代社会环境中传承传统金工技艺需要担负的一种社会责任。


中图分类号:TS939 文献标识码:A


Abstract:China's traditional metalworking skills have a long history. It is not only exquisite and beautiful, but also a typical representative of the excellent culture of the Chinese nation. Now, with the changes of the times, many traditional crafts have gradually been forgotten by people, and it is the choice of historical development. In modern society, traditional metalworking skills are also facing many difficulties, such as the difficulty of inheritance, and the need for rescue protection. As a college teacher, thinking about how to infer the inheritance and innovation of traditional metalworking skills is a social responsibility that we must bear when we inherit traditional metalworking skills in a diverse contemporary social environment.

Key Words:Traditional metalworking; Inheritance; Innovation