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单位:郑州轻工业大...     作者:李修谕     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:为解决目前国内公交车使用踏板残障人士使用体验上的不足,本文通过研究残障人士的身体机能特征与心理需求,来获取残障人士的潜在需求,并结合公交汽车翻板使用场景中所存在的问题和残障人士不同层次的体验需求,提出面向用户体验的公交车踏板设计原则,进而指导方案实践设计,对公交汽车结构、材质、造型等进行设计改进。通过样机模型的制作与产品测试,验证其设计方案的可行性,为助残设备的设计研发提供新思路。

关键词:工业设计; 公交轮椅专用踏板; 用户体验; 结构设计

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:in order to solve the current domestic bus use pedal to disabled people to use the lack of experience, through analyzing the characteristics of the handicapped body function and psychological demands, potential demand for people with disabilities, combined with the bus frame using the problems existing in the scene and people with disabilities experience different levels of demand, to propose principles of designing bus pedals for user experience, to guide design prototype, the bus structure, material qualitative, modelling design improvements. Through the production of the prototype model and product test, the feasibility of the design scheme is verified, providing a new idea for the design and development of the disabled equipment. 

Key Words:industrial design; Special bus wheelchair pedal; User experience; Structural design