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单位:武汉工程大学...     作者:邓丽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-10-28

摘 要:本文从东西方灯具在不同社会背景下的演变过程中出现的各个特征进行对比,总结出东西方灯具异同并进行具体分析。从地域文化、时代特征、社会趋势、系统理念等方面得出东西方灯具在发展过程中造型、材质、象征意义以及承载内涵的异同点,灯具在社会未来发展的趋势必定是顺应自然的,为大众服务的,可持续节能环保的。最后对目前的节能理念的灯具在生活中的应用进行简单分析。


中图分类号:TS956 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper compares the characteristics of eastern and western lamps and lanterns in the evolution process under the different social background, and summarizes the similarities and differences of eastern and western lamps and lanterns after comparison and specific analysis. From the aspects of regional culture, characteristics of The Times, social trends and system concepts, the similarities and differences between the eastern and western lamps and lanterns in the development process of modeling, materials, symbolic significance and carrying connotation, as well as the social development trend of lamps and lanterns in the future must be the sustainable energy-saving and environmental protection concept that complies with nature and serves the public. Finally, the application of the current energy-saving lamps in life is simply analyzed.

Key Words:Different social backgrounds; Eastern and western lamps and lanterns; Evolution; the similarities and differences; application