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单位:南昌航空大学     作者:郭林森     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-10-28

摘 要:海昏侯墓出土了一系列的青铜器,其中的青铜温鼎较有特色,引起了社会各界的关注,有人曾认为它是2000年前的火㶽。综合各种文献分析,青铜温鼎应当属于加热、保温炊具的一种,它的出现丰富了西汉的饮食文化遗存。文章对它的设计特征,从结构、功能、造型、青铜之“礼”等几个方面,进行了较为深入的分析。在此基础上,探讨了青铜温鼎对于现代设计的启示,其中既有值得借鉴的正面成果,也有需要摒弃的负面因素。期待为学术界提供参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The tomb of Haihun Marquis unearthed a series of bronze, including bronze WenDing is distinctive, caught the attention of the society from all walks of life, people used to think that it is hot pot 2000 years ago. Based on a comprehensive analysis of various literatures, the bronze WenDing belongs to a kind of heating and heat preservation cooker, and its appearance enriched the diet culture of the Western Han Dynasty. This paper makes a deep analysis of its design features from the aspects of structure, function, shape and bronze ceremony. On this basis, this paper discusses the enlightenment of bronze WenDing to modern design, which includes both positive achievements worthy of reference and negative factors that need to be firmly rejected. hoping to provide reference for the academic circle.

Key Words:bronze WenDing; tomb of Haihun Marquis; design; Revelation