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单位:湖南科技大学...     作者:李止戈 周天一 吴寒     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-10-28

摘 要:构建一种共享经济模式下老年辅助康复产品设计的模式及方法,通过对老年辅助康复现有产品进行分析,以及对共享经济模式的剖析,提出实现老年辅助康复产品的共享设计方法,指出共享经济是推动资源优化的关键,将用户、产品和经济运行模式作为一种有机整体进行优化设计,不仅仅是对老年辅助康复资源的优化利用,也是对产品设计提出的一种新思路和方法。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:To construct a design model and method of elderly assisted rehabilitation products under the sharing economy model.Based on the analysis of the existing products of assisted rehabilitation for the aged,as well as the sharing economic model, this paper proposes a sharing design method to support the realization of assisted rehabilitation products for the aged. It is pointed out that the sharing economy is the key to promote the optimization of resources. To optimize the design of users,  products and economic operation mode ,as an organic whole ,is not only to optimize the utilization of elderly assisted rehabilitation resources, but also to put forward a new ideaand method for product design.

Key Words:Sharing economy; elderly; assisted rehabilitation; product design