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单位:鲁迅美术学院     作者:胡海权 王丽明     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-10-28

摘 要:本文主要从产品语意设计方法的角度研究发掘产品设计创新的可能途径。首先以语意特征的关键词设定、语意提取为切入,确定出大致设计方向。进而对语意定义进行视觉化分析与归纳的方法进行论证。文章以小型消防救援车的设计实践为案例来展开论述。并最终给出小型消防救援车的创新设计语意研究实践并总结产品语意方法对于产品设计的意义。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper mainly studies the possible ways to explore product design innovation from the perspective of product semantic design method. Firstly, the keyword setting and semantic meaning extraction of the semantic features are used as the cut-in, and the general design direction is determined. Furthermore, the method of visual analysis and induction of semantic definition is demonstrated.  The article takes the design practice of small fire rescue vehicles as a case study. Finally, the innovative design semantics of small fire rescue vehicles was given and the meaning of product semantics was summarized.

Key Words: Product Semantics; Product design method; Conceptual Design