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单位:扬州大学机械...     作者:张博导 包沁容 陈世栋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-10-28

摘 要:地震灾害所带来的伤亡十分严重,现有抗震防灾研究极少关注具体的环境和心理因素对人员逃生和避难的影响。办公环境可以分为开放式、半开放式、独立办公空间、多人协同办公空间四种,每种空间对地震时人员逃生速度和避险方式都有不同的影响。人们在环境中的心理因素也会影响到逃生和避险的成功率。文章综合分析办公环境因素、人员情感因素后从家具的颜色、结构、摆放方式等方面提出面向抗震防灾办公场所家具的设计对策。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The casualties caused by the earthquake are very serious, and the existing research on earthquake resistance and disaster prevention pays little attention to the influence of specific environmental and psychological factors on people's escape and refuge. Office environment includes four different types—open space, semi-open space, independent office space and collaborative office space. Each type has different impact on the escape speed and the way of danger avoidance. People's mental factor in the environment also affect the success rate of escape. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the factors of office environment and human emotion, this paper puts forward, from the aspects of the color, structure and arrangement of furniture.

Key Words:earthquake resistance; disaster prevention; office environment; furniture design