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单位:东华大学     作者:陆金生 陈园园     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-10-28

摘 要:文章旨在对一款摩天轮式立体车库进行设计研究,满足现代人们对美好生活的追求。通过解读摩天轮式立体车库,首先,以适应住宅小区多样化需求为前提,构思摩天轮式立体车库的结构和运转过程;其次,对立体车库进行平面图绘制、三维立体模型建造及流程设计;最后,分步解释多样化需求的定位。该设计接轨现代化创新设计,为其他新型立体车库的设计研究提供了参考。 


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article aims to design a Ferris wheel-type stereo garage to meet the modern people's pursuit of a better life. By interpreting the Ferris wheel-type stereo garage, the structure and operation process of the Ferris wheel-type stereo garage are conceived to meet the diversified needs of the residential community. The floor plan drawing, three-dimensional model construction and process design of the three-dimensional garage are carried out. Finally, the positioning of diversified needs are explained step by step. The design is in line with modern and innovative design, which provides a reference for the design and research of other new stereo garages.

Key Words:diversified demand; stero garage; Ferris wheel; three-dimensional model