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单位:九牧集团厦门...     作者:王祜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-10-28

摘 要:本文以典型的消费升级产品,智能马桶设计作为切入点,反思中国工业设计在消费升级新形势下的转型。由于现有智能马桶产品与中国市场消费升级需求不匹配,导致了产业发展进入瓶颈。其有效的解决的办法就是摆脱对西方标准的墨守,实际研究中国市场与中国消费人群特征,制定从中国特色市场出发的产品设计策略,从而跨越行业发展瓶颈,为中国消费升级需求而设计。

关键词:消费升级 ;智能马桶;产品设计

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As a typical consumption upgrade product, smart toilet is a good example to reflect and explore,how industrial design can help get rid of the industry development dilemma.Under the transformation, chinese industrial design should get rid of the western standards, and truly study the current situation of chinese society, market, and consumers. We design for the needs of chinese consumption upgrade.

Key Words:consumer structure upgrade; Intelligent toilet; product design