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单位:山东理工大学     作者:杨慕琛     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-10-28

摘 要:“少即是多”与“少即是繁”在设计上是对立且有趣的两种观点。究其根本实则为功能至上与形式至上的抗衡。两种观点之所以会截然相反,是因为所处的时代背景不同,人们的需求也不尽相同,因此造就了这两种对于设计的两极化观点。它们看似是矛盾的,但其实既有对立性又有同一性;在同一件产品上可以同时体现出来,即满足功能的同时具有形式美,满足形式的同时又不失其功能。


中图分类号:J02 文献标识码:A


Abstract:“Less is more” and “less is bore” are two opposing but interesting views in design. Essentially, it is the question which is the more important between function and form. The reason why the two viewpoints are totally opposite is that the background of the times and people’s needs are different which created the diametrically opposed views of design. These two viewpoints seem to be contradictory, in fact they are both opposite and identical, even can be reflected in the same product. They satisfy the function while having the beauty of form and satisfy the form without losing its function.

Key Words:Less is more; Less is bore; Function and Form