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单位:湖南科技大学...     作者:杨伟昊 周洳帆     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-10-28

摘 要:本文针对内地高校设计专业出现的“慢就业”现象进行研究其现象,寻找出潜在的两类原因, 探讨分析该现象的利弊。针对该现象及现象背后的原因,根据就业率不依据第三方协议、扩大就业市场、鼓励学生自主创业、给学生提供就业机会和专业职业辅导等方面提出解决策略,以改善内地高校设计类专业“慢就业”问题。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper studies the phenomenon of “slow employment” in the design majors of colleges and universities in the Mainland, and finds two potential reasons. Two kinds of potential reasons are found out, and the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon are discussed and analyzed. In view of this phenomenon and the reasons behind it, according to the employment rate not based on third party agreements, expanding the employment market, encouraging students to start their own businesses, providing employment opportunities and professional career counseling for students and other aspects, this paper puts forward solutions to improve the "slow employment" problem of design majors in mainland universities.

Key Words:Design major; Delayed employment; Strategy