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单位:哈尔滨理工大...     作者:潘华新 刘鑫 苏鑫     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:装饰艺术是进行商业美陈设计的主体之一。将装饰艺术运用在商业美陈设计中,会给人们所带来愉悦的体验感,人们会不自觉的驻足,享受艺术之美所带来的审美愉悦,让装饰艺术融入设计当中。而装饰造型是装饰艺术的具体表现形式,其主观性占据主导地位,本文通过对商业美陈设计中的装饰艺术和装饰造型的涵义进行解析,了解装饰艺术与装饰造型的基本特征。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Art deco is one of the main parts of commercial design. The application of decorative art in commercial aesthetic design will bring people a pleasant sense of experience, people will not consciously stop to enjoy the aesthetic pleasure brought by the beauty of art, let the decorative art into the design. And decorative modeling is the specific expression form of decorative art, its subjectivity occupies a dominant position. This paper analyzes the meaning of decorative art and decorative modeling in the design of commercial beauty and Chen, and understands the basic characteristics of decorative art and decorative modeling.

Key Words:Commerce; display design; Decorative arts; Decorative modeling