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单位:华南农业大学      作者:张笑影      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:本文通过对老年人卧室家具使用情况的调查,总结出卧室家具适老性设计方法和设计原则,以减少家具给老年人生活带来的障碍,对家具的适老性设计有一定的指导意义。同时,老年人卧室家具设计的研究对提升老年人的生活自理能力,使老年人的生活更加安全、舒适、便利有着重要的意义。从宏观角度看,提高老年人自主生活能力对于一个家庭以及整个社会具有不可估量的现实意义!


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:By investigating the use of bedroom furniture for the elderly, this paper summarizes the design methods and design principles of bedroom furniture for the aged, in order to reduce the obstacles that furniture brings the life of the elderly, and has certain guiding significance for the design of furniture for the aged. At the same time, the research of bedroom furniture design for the elderly is of great significance to improve their self-care ability and make their lives safer, more comfortable and more convenient. From a macro point of view, improving the ability of the elderly to live independently has immeasurable practical significance for a family and the whole society.

Key Words:The elderly; Bedroom furniture; Innovative design