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单位:厦门大学嘉庚...     作者:张帆      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:随着人们生活水平不断提升,社会大众对娱乐需求也在形式和质量上有更高地要求。电影是一种承载人类文明进步的艺术形式,也是当代社会流行的视觉娱乐活动。随着第一部好莱坞动画电影《玩具总动员》进入中国市场后,在感受到动画为我们带来的视觉冲击的同时,伴随而来的美国文化也极大地影响了观影群体以及国内动画创作者的审美观念。在以欧美主导的动画电影市场中,国产动画电影在经过不断地探索,逐步建立具有中国特色的动画风格。目前,动画是主流商业动画电影的表现形式,如何结合动画技术发挥中国本土传统文化特点,进一步完善有明确中国元素的电影角色设计,是本文的讨论重点。


中图分类号:J954 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the public demand for entertainment is also higher in form and quality. Film is an art form that carries the progress of human civilization and is also a popular visual entertainment in contemporary society. With the first Hollywood animated film "Toy Story" entering the Chinese market, while feeling the visual impact of animation on us, the accompanying American culture has also greatly affected the aesthetic concepts of movie viewers and domestic animation creators. In the three-dimensional animated film market dominated by Europe and the United States, domestic animated films have gradually established the animation style with Chinese characteristics after continuous exploration. At present, animation is the main manifestation of commercial animation movies. How to combine animation technology, give full play to the characteristics of local traditional culture, and further improve the role modeling of movies with clear Chinese elements is the focus of this paper. 

Key Words:animation films; characters; Localization; design