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单位:常州轻工职业...     作者:周丽华     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:设计创新是产品升级的源动力,是品牌化的关键,对苏作红木家具产业的转型升级起着至关重要的引领作用。目前,苏作红木家具产业进入深度调整期,面临转型升级的巨大压力。大多数苏作红木家具企业设计创新的能力比较薄弱,设计创新对产业转型升级的驱动力还不够明显。文章探讨设计创新的路径和方法,研究大力推进设计创新的对策,以期为苏作红木产业转型升级提供有效的借鉴。 


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Design innovation is the source of product upgrading, the key to brand。It plays a vital leading role in the transformation and upgrading of Suzuo mahogany furniture industry. At present, Suzuo mahogany furniture industry has entered a period of deep adjustment and is facing tremendous pressure of transformation and upgrading. Most Suzuo mahogany furniture enterprises are short of design innovation, and the driving force of design innovation for industrial transformation and upgrading is not obvious enough. This paper discusses the ways and methods of design innovation, and the tactics of strengthening design innovation,which is expected to benefit the transformation and upgrading of Suzuo mahogany industry.

Key Words:Industrial Transformation and Upgrading; Suzuo; mahogany furniture industry; design innovation