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单位:雪花啤酒     作者:安芝漩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:现代漆器底胎的制作虽多继承传统技法,但是通过与现代工艺和科技的结合,运用新材料,汲取不同材料的特点、形式和技法对底胎及设计效果进行创造和再开发,创造出广阔的审美空间和实用可能。本文通过对玻璃和大漆材质特性的分析,对玻璃底胎在漆器制作过程的制作实践,探索了存在的问题和相应的解决方案。


中图分类号:TS959 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Although the production of modern lacquer bottom tire inherited from the traditional techniques, but through the combination of modern technology and technology, the use of new materials, the characteristics of different materials, forms and techniques on the bottom tire and design effect to create and re-develop, create a broad aesthetic space and practical possibility. Based on the analysis of the material characteristics of glass and paint, this paper explores the production practice of glass substrate in the process of lacquer making, and explores the existing problems and corresponding solutions.

Key Words:lacquer craft; Glass; At the end of tire production