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单位:浙江广厦建设...     作者:张锐     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:我国木雕艺术的发展源远流长,其造型生动,图案丰富,尤其是木雕雕刻中的各类纹样,极具文化内涵,有着深刻的美学价值。窗棂是我国木结构建筑中极其重要的组成部分,其构造十分考究,窗棂上往往雕刻着各类线槽和各种花纹,构成种类繁多的木雕纹样,展现了古建筑的艺术之美,成为建筑的审美中心。因此,本文以古建筑中窗棂木雕纹样为研究对象,通过对其美学价值以及艺术特征的分析,总结古建筑中窗棂木雕纹样的表现形式及艺术,探寻东阳传统木雕窗棂纹样在现代建筑装饰中的应用,以促进传统艺术的发展。


中图分类号:TU238 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The development of woodcarving art in China has a long history. In the long-term development process, it has formed a variety of wood carving patterns, and has a variety of cultural connotations. It has an important position in the aesthetic system of the aesthetic system. Wood carving traditional window sill pattern is an extremely important part of the wood carving pattern art system. It has been widely used in modern architectural decoration and has important research value. This paper starts from the Dongyang woodcarving art, and focuses on the application of Dongyang woodcarving traditional window stencil in modern architectural decoration, hoping to provide a theoretical reference for modern architectural decoration design.

Key Words:Dongyang woodcarving; woodcarving art; window sill pattern; Decoration design;