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单位:太原理工大学      作者:郭宗平     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:晋作家具制作技艺作为一门独具地域文化特色的传统手工技艺,一直以来主要通过师徒传承方式延续,但在当今家具行业机械化批量生产的冲击下,传统制作技艺却濒临失传,因此亟待以合理有效的方式进行保护。将晋作家具传统手工技艺与现代文化创意产品设计相结合,能够让非物质文化遗产从“专家模式”走向“大众模式”,对发展文化旅游产业、大力推进“双创”建设有重要意义。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As a traditional handicraft with unique regional cultural characteristics, Shanxi Traditional Furniture making skills have been mainly inherited by teachers and apprentices. Under the impact of today's furniture industry's mechanized mass production, the handicraft of traditional furniture are on the verge of being lost and need to be protected in a reasonable and effective way. Combining the traditional handicraft of Shanxi Furniture with the design of modern literary products can make intangible cultural heritage move from "expert mode" to "mass mode", which is of great significance to the development of cultural tourism industry and the vigorous promotion of "double creation" construction.

Key Words:Shanxi Furniture; Traditional handicraft; Literary creation products design