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单位:广西科技大学...     作者:李西熙     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:2006年,广西白裤瑶族被联合国科教文组织认定为民族文化保留最完整的民族,被称为“人类文明的活化石”。白裤瑶族传统元素的形式独特,展现了别具一格的审美情趣。如将优秀的传统文化瑰宝与室内纺织品的设计相结合,会使设计既具有民族文化的厚重感又融合现代艺术设计的审美意识,本文从白裤瑶族传统文化元素中的色彩搭配、图案形态、象征意义及工艺特征三个方面,探索传统白裤瑶族文化元素转化为现代室内纺织品设计的形式语言,突出民族化和地方化,又带有鲜明的时代特征,开发了民族艺术多元化的设计方式,以满足市场经济规律及文化传承发展的需求。


中图分类号:TS93 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In 2006, the Baikuyao nationality in Guangxi was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as the most complete ethnic group with preserved national culture, which is known as the "living fossil of human civilization". The traditional elements of Baiku Yao nationality are unique in form and show their unique aesthetic taste. Combining the excellent traditional cultural treasures with the interior textile design, the design has both the national culture and the aesthetic consciousness of modern art design. This paper explores the traditional Baikuyao culture element from the three aspects of color collocation, pattern form, symbolic significance and technological characteristics of traditional Baikuyao culture elements. It has been transformed into the formal language of modern interior textile design, highlighting the nationalization and localization, and has distinct characteristics of the times. It has developed a diversified design method of national art to meet the needs of market economy law and cultural inheritance and development.

Key Words:Baikuyao nationality; elements; textile design