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单位:南昌航空大学     作者:郭林森     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:目前,关于海昏侯墓的研究主要从考古学、金石学、历史学等方面着手,并取得了一些较有价值的成果。本文以出土的两盏青铜雁鱼灯为研究对像,从设计学的视角,通过雁衔鱼的装饰母题、结构与尺度、照明与烟尘处理、通体鎏金四个方面的分析,并与考古所见的类似器物进行比较,揭示了它的设计特征。青铜雁鱼灯的设计学解读,对于学术界而言是一种有益的补充;它的造物思想,对于如何传承经典设计,如何创造未来的中国设计,有参考价值。


中图分类号:J526 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, the research on the tomb of Haihun Marquis mainly proceeds from archaeology, epigraphy and history, and obtains some valuable achievements. This paper takes the YanYu Lamp as the study of the image, from the perspective of design; the characteristics are revealed from the analysis of the decorative theme, structure and scale, lighting and environmental protection and gilding, and compared with similar devices. The study of YanYu Lamp design is a useful supplement to academic research;its design concept has guiding significance for inheriting the classic design and creating the future Chinese design.

Key Words:YanYu lamp; bronze lamp; tomb of Haihun Marquis; design