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“S环形” 无碳小车的结构设计研究

单位:铜陵学院机械...     作者:佘亮 项健 殷建     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:无碳小车是通过是系在小车上的重锤下落得到的重力势能作为唯一动力来源,可将其转换为机械能,从而驱动小车行走。在前行时通过转向能够自动避开赛道上的障碍,其轨迹类似 “S环”型, 本文从小车的原动机构、传动机构、转向机构、微调机构和整体优化五个模块阐述小车的结构设计。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Carbon-free trolley is driven by the gravitational potential energy obtained by the falling of the weight attached to the trolley as the only power source, which can be converted into mechanical energy. The trajectory of the car is similar to the "S-ring" type. This paper describes the design process of the car from five modules: the original mechanism, the transmission mechanism, the steering mechanism.

Key Words:S-ring; carbonless trolley; Structural Design