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单位:山西工商学院     作者:闫格     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:全域旅游是指将一定区域作为完整旅游目的地,以旅游业为优势产业,最大限度满足大众旅游时代消费者需求的发展新模式,全域旅游是山西省发展旅游的新方向。文创产品作为发展全域旅游的重要一环而存在,但是目前大多数文创产品仍旧停留在旅游纪念品,且大部分景区的旅游纪念品缺乏创意、大同小异,文化属性和地域性特征不明显,消费人群定位模糊,消费者购买欲望不高,文创产品市场亟待拓展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Global tourism refers to a new development mode in which a certain area is regarded as a complete tourism destination and tourism is the dominant industry to meet the needs of consumers in the era of mass tourism to the maximum extent. "Global tourism" has become a new direction for the development of tourism in Shanxi Province. Cultural and creative Products exist as an important part of the development of global tourism, but at present, most Cultural and creative Products still stay in the degree of tourist souvenirs. The tourist souvenirs in most scenic spots are lack of creativity, much the same, the cultural attributes and regional characteristics are not obvious, the positioning of consumer population is vague, the desire of consumers to buy is not high, and the market of Cultural and creative Products needs to be expanded urgently.

Key Words:Global tourism ; Cultural creation product ; Design;Culture