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单位:鲁迅美术学院...     作者:李雪松 周桐     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:通过对中国传统文化元素与审美的梳理,结合中国古代造物,对香插进行设计。以“一炷香的时间”为载体,体现一天中“属于自己的时间”的重要性。通过在设计实践中对传统文化的运用和传统工艺美术元素的提取,定义了该设计中的“新中式”设计理念,推动通过产品设计输出中国文化内涵。


中图分类号:tb472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Through sorting out the elements of Chinese traditional culture and aesthetics, combining with ancient Chinese creations, design the Incense Inserting Seat. Take "a fragrant time" as the carrier, embodying the importance of "own time" in a day. Through the application of traditional culture and the extraction of elements of traditional arts and crafts in design practice, the concept of "Neo Chinese Style" design in the design is defined to promote the export of Chinese cultural connotation through product design.

Key Words:Neo Chinese Style;Cultural and creative product; Incense Inserting Seat; product design