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单位:华东理工大学      作者:倪亚楠     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:目前,中国已经成为世界上老年人口最多的国家,“银发潮”将对我国经济、社会、政治、文化发展产生深远影响。与此同时,老年群体与互联网之间的“数字鸿沟”却在越拉越大。文章分析了老年人的认知特性,以及造成老年人对互联网接入障碍的主客观原因。结合语音交互这一伴随人工智能而兴起的技术领域,探讨如何利用语音交互与界面交互的互补性来提升老年人的认知和学习水平的方法,从而使老年人获得更好的互联网使用体验。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:at present, China has become the country with the largest elderly population in the world. The "silver boom" will have a profound impact on China's economic, social, political and cultural development. Meanwhile, the “digital divide” between the elderly and the Internet is widening. This paper analyzes the cognitive characteristics of the elderly and the subjective and objective causes of the Internet access barriers for the elderly. Combined with the voice interaction, which is a technical field emerging with artificial intelligence, this paper discusses how to use the complementarity of voice interaction (VUI) and interface interaction (GUI) to improve the cognitive and learning level of the elderly, so that the elderly can get better Internet use experience.

Key Words: the elderly; Voice interaction; Design