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单位:新疆大学纺织...     作者:闫文奇 葛梦嘉 饶蕾     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-09-25

摘 要:学生因实践能力不足而不能很好地适应工作岗位是当前全国艺术设计教育普遍存在的现象,设计学专业实践教学环节可将设计理论知识转化为学生设计实践能力。通过系统梳理设计学专业实践教学经验,确立设计学专业实践教学改革的目标和内容,构建“学科竞赛——创新创业项目——科研项目”研究引入设计实践环节教学的“三位一体”实践教学体系,优化创新创业实践平台,培养学生的创新思维和创业实践能力,训练学生理性研究问题和解决实际问题的能力,探索设计学专业产学研结合的实践教学研究模式和实施路径。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:It is a common phenomenon in art and design education in China that students are unable to adapt to the job due to their lack of practical ability. Comb through the system design learn professional experience in the practice teaching, establish the goals and contents of the design professional practice teaching reform, build harmony "discipline competition, innovative start-ups, scientific research project" research into design practice in the teaching of "the trinity" practice teaching system, optimizing the platform innovation entrepreneurship practice, cultivate students' innovative thinking and practical ability, training students' rational research problems and the ability to solve practical problems, to explore design professional practice teaching of university-industry cooperation research mode and implementation path.

Key Words:Industry-university research; Competition; Project; Practical ability;Innovation