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单位:中原工学院信...     作者:周莉莉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要:通过引入信息互动反馈机制和奖励机制,更广泛地传播非物质文化遗产信息,提高大众对非遗的认识和兴趣,促进非遗发展。依据SOLOMO理论,首先通过对非遗所包含的信息属性分析研究,将非遗信息分类整理,再对用户行为、习惯偏好、文化程度、专业属性等分析研究,结合用户的个性化信息需求,推送给用户感兴趣的非遗信息,在信息互动反馈机制和奖励机制的促进下提高非遗的传播效率。将非遗信息按照不同的种类与用户生活中的日常活动相结合,依据用户的喜好进行信息推送,在增加信息互动反馈机制和奖励机制的基础上,增强非遗的推送吸引力让非遗能够系统化地进行传播。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Through the introduction of information interactive feedback mechanism and reward mechanism, the information of intangible cultural heritage can be more widely disseminated, so as to improve the public's awareness and interest in intangible cultural heritage and promote the development of intangible cultural heritage. Based on the theory of SOLOMO, first of all, based on the information contained in intangible attributes analysis and research, the intangible information sorting, again to the user behavior、 habits、preference、cultural degree and professional attributes, such as analysis, combined with the user's personalized information needs, pushed to users interested in intangible information, the information interaction feedback mechanism and incentive mechanism to promote the improvement of transmission efficiency. Information of intangible cultural heritage will be combined with daily activities of users according to different types, and information will be pushed according to users' preferences. On the basis of adding information interactive feedback mechanism and reward mechanism, the attraction of pushing intangible cultural heritage will be enhanced, so that intangible cultural heritage can be spread systematically.

Key Words:SOLOMO;  Intangible cultural heritage; Protection;  Inheritance