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单位:长春工业大学     作者:朱华 李媛     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要:现今,在建筑界提出“建构”的基本概念有着现实的社会背景。在经济高度全球化的今天,地域“场所”形式正在日渐消失,世界各地的建筑正在走向同一种面貌,不同国家的都市之间差异性日渐减少。今天提倡建构概念,就是提倡一种健康理性的建筑设计方式。建筑师既要善于吸收先进技术,又不能忽视传统文化,而这种文化性不是仅仅通过简单地把建筑作为一种布景来体现,而是从建筑的基本意义出发,创造出富有不同民族和地域特色的现代建筑。本文通过对于王澍作品的解读,分析王澍对于传统材料在当代建构设计的突破点和创新性,从而发现传统材料在设计中的新应用。


中图分类号:Tu52 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Today, in the architecture field put forward the basic concept of constructing a realistic social background in the new global economy height and form of regional places are disappearing, the buildings all over the world is heading for the same kind of landscape, urban differences between different countries has dropped today advocate building concepts, to advocate a healthy rational way of architectural design Architect should not only good at absorbing advanced technology, also cannot ignore the traditional culture, and this kind of culture is not only by simply building as a set, but starting from the basic meaning of construction, create different ethnic and local characteristics of modern architecture in this paper, through the interpretation for wang shu works, analysis of wang shu for the breakthrough of traditional materials in the construction of contemporary design and innovation, to discover the traditional materials in the design of the new application.

Key Words:traditional materials; design; application; construction