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经济时代下传统空间的商业化改造研究——以福州 衣锦坊觅境艺术空间概念性改造为例

单位:福建师范大学      作者:苏远婷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要:在传统与现代碰撞的时代,极具独特性格的传统空间在商业化改造中,能够为已经习惯于现代化商业综合体的人们带来愉悦感和新鲜感,从而满足其娱乐性的体验要求。笔者选取从业期间参与的福州三坊七巷通湖路与衣锦坊交汇处的“觅境”艺术空间作为案例进行探究和总结。通过提炼出一些传统空间的概念性改造方法,来探讨其新的商业价值、公共价值和文化价值。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the era of the collision between tradition and modernity, the traditional space with unique personality in the commercial transformation can bring pleasure and freshness to people who have been accustomed to modern commercial complexes to meet their entertainment experience requirements. The author selects the “Meet” art space at the intersection of Tonghu Road and Yijin Lane in Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, Fuzhou, as a case to explore and summarize. Explore new business, public, and cultural values by refining the conceptual transformation of traditional spaces.

Key Words:traditional space; commercial space; reuse; transformation; experience; communicate; nonrenewable