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单位:桂林电子科技...     作者:莫梓虞 吕屏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要:民俗象征体系普遍存在于社会之中,蕴含着丰富的哲理,本文从广西环江毛南族傩面具所承载的民俗象征出发,研究民俗象征在设计中的独特设计方法与应用。通过案例分析法,对傩面具的艺术形象、色彩和造型的表现形式分析,阐述傩面具所蕴含的民俗象征内涵和思维方法。最后通过民俗象征的内涵意义,将“意”和“象”的思维应用于设计之中,传承传统文化的延续,实现文明记忆。


中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The folk symbol system exists in the society generally, contains the rich philosophy; Based on the folkloric symbols carried by nuo masks of maozan nationality in huanjiang, guangxi, this paper studies the application of folk symbols in the design of unique design methods. Through case analysis, this paper analyzes the artistic image, color and form of nuo mask, and expounds the folk symbolic connotation and thinking method contained in nuo mask. Finally, through the connotation of folk symbols, the thinking of "meaning" and "image" is applied in the design, so as to inherit the continuation of traditional culture and realize the memory of civilization.

Key Words:Maonan; masks; folk symbols; research